The Role of a Good Child Custody Attorney in High-Conflict Cases

Child custody — known as conservatorship in Texas law — issues can arise either during divorce proceedings or between unmarried parents. When this happens, the family court must decide what type of parenting arrangement will benefit the child.

Typically, judges seek to ensure that children have a healthy relationship with both parents whenever possible. Thus, many couples end up with a shared custody arrangement in which they are called joint managing conservators of the child. Our Fort Worth Child Custody Lawyers help parents work out a practical and effective co-parenting plan for their children.

When determining what custody arrangement is in the best interests of the child, the court will consider a broad array of factors. This includes:

The Emotional and Physical Needs of the Child, Now and in the Future

Ultimately, the court wants to make sure that the child has a stable home environment where they can thrive. This will include the child’s medical and emotional needs, as well as their educational, recreational, and extracurricular needs.

A court will also look at the past behavior of both parents. For instance, if a parent has disparaged the other parent in front of their children, this may negatively affect the court’s decision. The court will also weigh the parents’ ability to co-parent together effectively.

In addition, the court will consider the parents’ financial status and the ability of each to provide for the child’s needs. Usually, a judge will follow state guidelines in calculating child support. However, a Fort Worth Family Lawyer can help present a strong case that deviates from these guidelines based on the specific circumstances of your case.

Our Family Law Firm can also assist with spousal support cases. The amount of spousal support that is awarded depends on a number of factors, including the duration of your marriage and the incomes of both parties. The judge has discretion in deciding whether to award spousal support and the duration and amount of the support payments.

When it comes to visitation, our Fort Worth family lawyers can help you establish a schedule that is in your children’s best interest. We can also help you modify an existing visitation or custody order if the situation changes.

If you need to relocate, our child custody attorneys can help you navigate the relocation process. Generally, the court will allow a move if it is in the child’s best interests. However, the noncustodial parent will have to agree to this change. The noncustodial parent will also need to submit financial information so that the court can calculate a new child support obligation.

Contact Michelle Purvis Law to schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable and experienced family law attorneys. We serve clients throughout Fort Worth and the surrounding areas of Texas. Our clients come from a variety of backgrounds and situations, but we all share the same goal: to get our clients the results they deserve without having to fight in court.